
Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Managing Stress

animated person balancing heart and brain on scale
Job pressure. Money. Relationships. Politics. These are some of the top causes of stress, something we all experience and can affect our mental health. We can't change all the circumstances that cause our stress, however we can become more aware of the indicators of stress and how we can begin to manage our stress effectively. It starts with improving our emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is the ability to recognize and understand emotions in oneself and others. For years, we've heard how we need to see things from someone else's perspective or have empathy to another's [...]

Unsatisfied In Your Marriage? These 14 Tips Could Help

Unhappy couple laying in bed facing away from each other
Couples today may experience less satisfaction in their marriage as compared to their parents, research shows. One report indicated a 42 percent dip in satisfaction! One factor may be related to having kids later in life, and feeling more social pressure to provide the best of everything. However, some research shows that marital satisfaction declines for all couples, including childless couples. The takeaway: Marriage is work for everyone. Kelly Olson, with The Village Family Service Center, created this list of 14 things that can help couples communicate better, cherish each other more, and [...]