
Addicted to Your Phone?

many hands holding phones
Smart phones have made our lives easier in so many ways, you may feel like you can't live without your device. Odds are, you're reading this article on a phone right now! Technology is a part of everyday – every hour – life! So, knowing that, how do we take care of ourselves and make sure we aren’t overly dependent, or addicted, to our phones? As with any problematic behavior, the main questions to ask yourself – or your children – are these: Is your phone interfering with your ability to sleep, study, work, or socialize? Does it seem like a battle to turn off electronics at the end of the day [...]

5 Things You Can Control in Times of Uncertainty

animated person with long orange hair and clouds swirling around their head to represent uncontrolled emotions
Uncertainty can make us feel stressed and vulnerable to the world. Our brain equates uncertainty and the unknown with danger, causing our stress reactions to kick in and anxiety levels to increase. It's important to remember that even though we can't control everything around us, we can control ourselves and our own thoughts. Author Stephen Covey refers to the things we do have control over as our "Circle of Influence." By focusing on the things we can influence in times of uncertainty, we can be solution-focused, make good choices, and practice good self-care. We also avoid a lot of [...]

6 Things To Do To Improve Your Mental Health This Summer

Person sitting on a dock overlooking a peaceful lake
After a long, harsh winter, we warmly welcome the summer months! This season provides us several opportunities to practice good mental health. Here are some tips to improve your mental health and make the most of the summer: Get outdoors Exposure to the sun is the most natural form of vitamin D. If we get too little of it, it can lead to symptoms of depression. Being outdoors decreases anxiety and increases the production of serotonin levels in our body, a neurotransmitter linked to the experience of pleasure. That means sunshine is good for our mental health! What are some activities you [...]

8 Dimensions of Wellness

Girl standing against colorful wall with headphones looking at her phone
Personal well-being isn’t just how physically fit you are, or how you feel right now. Achieving wellness involves making choices that positively affect you in many different areas of life, as physical and mental health interact with each other. Working toward wellness can help you to engage in positive interactions, ward off stress, and reduce the likelihood of becoming ill, according to the University of California Davis. There are actually 8 different dimensions of wellness. Think of it like a wheel. The wedges in your wellness wheel can be of different size and importance, but all of them [...]

Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask: The Importance of Self-Care

Illustration of woman with headphones meditating on couch next to cat
Anyone who's flown has heard the saying. “In the event of a sudden drop in pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from above. Secure your own mask first before assisting others.” This idea of ensuring our own well-being is at the center of self-care. Self-care is doing something that benefits you – and only you – spiritually, physically, or mentally. Self-care looks different for different people. It could be practicing yoga, reading a book, sharing coffee with a friend, praying, or some other activity. Regardless the form it takes, self-care replenishes us, and gives us the capacity to give of [...]

Spring into Mindfulness

Hand in field of flowers
As spring comes into bloom, it often brings a sense of renewed energy. The season brings to mind spring cleaning and becoming more active and involved. It means the end of school for the year is near, and we begin thinking about summer plans – what activities, events, games, and vacations we will participate in. With so much forward focus – and potential for stress to arise – this is a great time to talk about mindfulness: what it is, how to do it, and how to use it. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and [...]

Taking Time for Yourself

Animated woman holding a mug and journaling
There are always a handful of roles that each of us are juggling. If you are a parent, a student, an employee, a caretaker, someone struggling with a mental health concern, or are just feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities of day-to-day life, the idea of taking time for yourself may seem unimaginable. Sometimes it can be di­fficult to even take basic care of ourselves – but there are small things that can be done to make self-care and taking time for ourselves a little bit easier. On average, people only spend 15 minutes a day on health-related self-care. Self-care is proven to reduce [...]